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Upcoming Seminar
ADHD: Empowering Parents to Guide and Raise a Healthy Child With ADHD Symptoms.
Avigail Gimpel, Mother, Special Educator, College Lecturer, and Best Selling Author, will present an entertaining and easy to understand complete, clear. step-by-step intervention system to turn you into a ninja parent and get your struggling child back on track.
•A child with ADHD symptoms is healthy and struggling
•ADHD is most often caused by a clash between a child and his or her environment
•We have not caused the problem; be we can help resolve it
•With curiosity and respect, we will discover why a child is struggling and help redirect him or her so they can flourish
Week 1- October 26th
Week 2 November 9th
Week 3 November 16th
Week 4 November 23rd
Week 5 November 30th
Week 6 December 7th
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Israel Standard Time
Location: Bais Yaakov Ko Tamar, Nachal Luz 21 RBS A
Cost: We are looking for sponsors for this event in or order to keep the cost as low as possible. Your Tax deductible Donation Will Help Sponsor Events Such As This and Help Parents Receive The Tools They Need To Help Their Child Succeed. Thank you.
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